Product Labels / Tags

Add informative labels, product images and icons to specific groups of your products on display (such as Bestseller, Latest, Featured, Discounts, etc.). This feature will display product labels on product detail, category view and other specified positions.

This is a convenient way to show visitors or customers the products they are looking at. For example,
Bestseller will show the bestselling items in your store,
Latest will indicate new products that stays new for a given number of days (which can be set in the configuration),
Discount items will display discounted product, and
Featured will show only featured products.
With the Auto-label added features you can automatically add in newly added product tags and newly updated product tags in a simpler way.

Product Labels / Tags

How it works?

All the work for setting up products labels / tags is done from one control panel. It is very easy to create labels on real time preview, while you are defining label properties you are watching how it will show.

The following steps are necessary to set up product labels or tags.

  • Define when the label should be applied to (Certain product groups, or conditions)
  • Define the style and appearance of the label
  • Define where the label should show up (Category, Product detail, etc.)
  • Define how long the label should be in display
  • Set the priority of display (for multiple labels in one product)